Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Acid Injection Pump

In the years I've had this pool I have gotten increasingly frustrated with having to check it often to be sure the pH is correct.  Chlorine generators on salt water pools tend to raise the pH a little each time they run.  The chemistry of this is described out there, but us pool owners have to deal with it.  The sad part is that the pool companies don't tell us in advance.  I would still have a salt pool, but it would have been nice to know what to expect going in.

Anyway, I finally decided to build an acid injection system and stop having to worry about the pH all the time.  It is described on the Swimming Pool tab above, or click here to go direct to the description.  This is yet another ongoing project that will evolve over time as I get or steal new ideas.


  1. Luckily I have got the best solution about above mentioned teasing issues. Gekko.Inc. has solved such issues quite professionally. The chemical injection pumps are working so well.

    1. I'm going to leave this comment in even though it's an obvious troll. Actually it's pretty cool because the link leads to some high quality injection pumps that would certainly do the job I'm doing with mine. The problem of course is the price. If you have a couple of thousand dollars to invest in something like this, be my guest.

  2. If you don't mind me asking: Could you explain in a short sentence what a salt pool is? I would imagine it being a pool with ocean-like salt water in it? I've never actually heard of this "method" of using a pool.

    1. Sure, a salt pool is one where a relatively small amount of salt is dissolved in the water along with all the other stuff used in a pool to keep it fresh. The salt is converted to NaOH and free chlorine using an electric current and then normal sunshine and other things cause it to recombine back into salt over a short period of time.

      This softens the water, keeps the chlorine smell down and means you don't have to make constant trips to the store to get chlorine to add to the pool. There are also some serious disadvantages that they don't tell you when you buy it though.
