
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Battery Operated Temperature Sensor - Still learning about the TMP36

The previous entry on this project is here <link>

After I found out about the open emitter problem in reading a TMP36 <link> and tried it out for a longer period of time I noticed there were still some glitches in the readings. Don't misunderstand, these were tiny and represented no real problem, but I wanted to settle it down as much as possible.

Yes, obsessive, compulsive about this I am.

I recorded a ton of readings from the chip and looked them over. The problem seems to come from simple outlier readings that happen from time to time.  Every sensor has outlier readings, it's just part of reality, and there are methods of fixing this problem. Naturally, I took the easy way out. I simply read the sensor 15 times in a row into an array, sort them, and average the middle five. This way the outliers wind up at the bottom or top of an array and get excluded from the sort. Here's the code:

#define READSIZE 15

float readTemp2(){
  int readings[READSIZE];
  int reading=0;
  for (int i = 0; i < READSIZE; i++){
    readings[i] = analogRead(tmpInput);
  // Now sort the list to put the outliers at the beginning and end
  sort(readings, READSIZE);
  // grab the middle 5 and average them
  for (int i = READSIZE / 2 - 2; i < READSIZE / 2 + 3 ; i++){
    reading +=(readings[i]);
  reading /= 5;
  //reading = analogRead(tmpInput);
  float voltage =  (reading * 1.1) / 1024;
  float tempC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100;
  float tempF = (tempC * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0;

void sort(int a[], int size) {
  for(int i=0; i<(size-1); i++) {
    for(int o=0; o<(size-(i+1)); o++) {
      if(a[o] > a[o+1]) {
        int t = a[o];
        a[o] = a[o+1];
        a[o+1] = t;

This smoothed the reading right out and made for a very nice graph. In the fragment of readings charted below you can see how well this works:

This little piece of data is when I had the sensor outside, brought it in the warmer house, then took it back outside. Notice the shape of the curve? Classic ramp up and back down similar to the response shape of an inductor. This is the thermal resistance of the plastic case on the sensor, wires, etc, and is a far cry from the erratic reading I used to get.

The TMP36 turn out to be a really nice little device when used correctly with my new filtering. I'll eventually look at removing the power from the sensor when I put the Arduino to sleep, but I don't expect much of an increase in battery life since the quiescent current of the sensor is claimed at 50uA. Every little bit helps since I plan on running these things forever.

The next entry on this project is here <link>

Friday, March 13, 2015

Raspberry Pi - Read Only USB Stick - Pain in the bottom

Remember back last year when I added a USB stick to my Pi to increase reliability <link>? Serious mistake, it died. Not only did it die, I reacted wrongly to every single thing and messed myself up and had to rebuild the Pi from almost the ground up.

The story goes like this, but I don't have nice pretty examples of the output of the various efforts to fix and recover from this. I wasn't thinking about blogging it, I was trying to get my Pi house controller back up.

I tried to open the garage doors with a remote command it didn't work. I walked out to the garage, pushed the button and the door opened. OK, the door opener was working, so I took a quick look at the garage controller, it looked fine, all the little blinking lights were working. I took a look at the various house control logs and they were weird. I was getting a message that said that the USB stick was a read-only file system. It's important to note that all the devices were still controlling things perfectly. Over the years I made sure that their default operation didn't depend on the house controller, The house controller is a convenience and logging device, nothing totally depends on it. This is when I made my most serious mistake, I tried rebooting the device.

Naturally, it wouldn't boot. I took the whole mess of wires and components to the kitchen table and started trying to understand what was going on. I couldn't read the file system on a laptop since it was a Linux file system, so I went looking for something that could help, but instead I found a number of tools that wouldn't work with a USB stick. I didn't want to spend hours trying things out, so I just edited my boot SD card back the way it was before I added the USB stick. The little Pi booted first try with software a year old. Of course this messed up my data logging because things have changed a lot in the last months.

I searched the web for solutions to the read-only-USB-stick and found lots of people that had also encountered the problem, but nothing that would actually solve it. Time to look at my backups...I didn't have any! Yep, I relied on the stick to keep working and my source repositories on GitHub as my backup plan.

Fine, I'll just rebuild it. The problem was that I no longer had my source repository on the Pi, it was gone with the USB stick. If I had been coherent while the Pi was running read only, I could have just copied it off and gotten on with life. The source was there in GitHub, all I had to do was get it. So, I wiped my really old source directory from the SD card and downloaded a zip file from GitHub and installed it.

Now, I had the source, but the various libraries and packages that I've accumulated over the months weren't there. It became a chore of try something, get the missing stuff, try it again - repeat for each and every process I'd put together and modified over time.

My notes here on the blog were extremely valuable. I kept going back to see what I did in a particular instance which gave me clues to what I needed to add and modify. As I stepped through things, I even noticed a couple of bugs that hadn't given me problems before. Basically, I recreated my house controller from notes on this blog. But, my configuration file 'houserc' was a total loss and I built it up from scratch one line at a time, rediscovering the various entries I needed as processes printed error messages. I can't put that one on GitHub, it has the keys and passwords used for all the cloud servers. Eventually though, the pieces came together and everything started working again.

I managed to recreate my source repository so I could get back in sync with GitHub and update the minor changes I made to the code. That turned out to relatively easy. My objections to GitHub from the past seem really silly now. You folk should consider using it.

The USB stick is a total loss. I can't format it because it's read only, and I can't read it on a laptop because I can't format it back to DOS. Guess I'll take it apart and see what's in there.

So, did I learn anything? I learned not to trust USB sticks, they just aren't meant to be the primary device on a system. How about making backups more often? Well, I'm backed up now, but when life starts interfering, I'm sure I'll get lax about it. Automate the backup process? There's a possibility, but it costs money in the form of somewhere to back it up to, and time rotating the backups so they stay relevant. There's no really good solution, just a bunch of compromises.

I guess I'll start saving for a network appliance, but I still think the 3D printer is more important.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Battery Operated Temperature Sensor - Now About Battery Life

The previous entry on this project is here <link>.

I'm still working on my battery operated sensor and have been testing it for battery life and stability. I've learned a thing or two. First, this is absolutely possible, but not like the various tutorials out there lead you to believe; I'll never be able to get years of battery life like they imply, Second, I'll never be able run a battery completely down.

There's a number of reasons for this, but it will take some explaining. I've been saving the data I'm gathering and some things are noteworthy. Here's a graph of the data I've accumulated so far:

For this, only pay attention to the black line, I'll address the temperature (blue) later. Notice that it starts off around 2.9 volts, that's because I didn't get to uploading the data until the battery had dropped some, then there's some chatter where it started to drop to 2.8 volts and a long string of 2.8 volts until it jumps up. What happened was I only kept one digit to the right of the decimal and the chatter is where it was close to the rounding point, 2.85 volts. Then, because it quit transmitting just after noon on the 26th, I have a straight line until I changed the batteries on the 28th.

So the jump and relatively rapid decline is where I changed the battery and the code to a 50 second on versus 10 second off rate. I wanted data faster than a week at a time. I also added code to sense that it stopped transmitting and drop the reading. This way the battery getting too low would be readily apparent. I learned two things from this: use more precision, and heavier drain to get experience in a shorter amount of time.

Now about the weird temperature readings. After a couple of days of watching the temperature inside, I got bored with the flat line and took it outside. That's what the cyclic activity is from the 20th to the 23rd is.  The drops are experiments I did with the temperature sensor. Things settled down in the temperature sensor before the 26th, but I did still move it around the house some.

Now, take a look at this chart. This is the period after I changed the batteries and was using 50sec on, 10 sec off timing:

No, the batteries didn't last long, but that was my objective for this test. Notice that the device quit when the batteries dropped to 2.754 volts; that makes perfect sense when you think about it a bit. All electronics have some cut off point where they just quit working, for this combination of components, that's the cut off point. The temperature sensor is only good down to 2.7 volts and the processor is over-clocked as it is since I'm running it at the full 16Mhz, and lowered voltage.

What this means is that the rating of the battery doesn't mean much. These things have roughly 1600-1800 mah, but since the device dies at 2.75 volts, I'm only getting a portion of that. Don't make the mistake of thinking you can get all the power out of a battery, the lower voltage will step up and bite you.

There's a lot I can do to extend the battery's usefulness now that I know where it dies. First, I can adjust the sleep-awake factor. It turns out I need less than 10 seconds to take a reading and send it. I could probably drop it as low as 2 seconds. That will mean 58 seconds of sleep where it is drawing microamps of power to keep the timer running. I could add a battery and make it a three battery device. With three batteries I would start out with close to 4.65 volts, giving me almost two volts of range before it quit. This would mean a voltage regulator, but there are low current versions of them that would work. Ideas like a boost power supply aren't going to work because they take a lot of power just to run them. I'd get more out of the batteries, but it would mostly go to supporting the boost supply. I could lower the clock speed on the processor, but that makes timing and other things much more complex.

The test also told me that the battery voltage declines relatively rapidly from 3.1 down to 2.8 where it hangs in for a long period of time. Most of the current I got out of the battery was at this voltage.

Now, I'm going to set it up again for a shorter awake time and keep the code in that indicates when it dies and see what happens while I wait for a nice regulator to come in the mail. Then I'll test it with three batteries and regulation to see how that works out. I don't really want to use three batteries in each device, but I'll take the best road when I know more. Batteries are cheap in bulk, and I'd rather use more if it means the device will last longer.

Some of you will wonder, "Other devices can last a year or more on two batteries, what's the big deal?" Well, that's true, but they're activated by something. The smoke detector you have is asleep most of the time, and awakened by an external signal. For something like a door sensor, I could put it to sleep for several minutes at a time and wake up to send a message saying it was still alive. It would also wake up on a change in level of the actual sensor; I could probably get a year out of something like that. It's a different ball game. I want to monitor the temperature often enough to be of value, but not constantly. Once a minute is fine and maybe once every couple of minutes, but longer is something I'll have to think about.

More later as I get more experience.

The next entry on this project is here <link>